Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Do I Really Care?

I thought I should set the stage of my life and these two photo pretty much sum up how I generally always have my kids attached to me.  

The other day I found myself wondering do I really care what I'm wearing while holding my 3-year-old's hand while he poops?  Oddly enough, I DO!  Some days that is all I am able to control..... that is control of what I'm wearing.  I mean seriously, the bags under my eyes are not even my fault!  I have always had a love for clothes and FASHION!  I honestly feel better when I feel like I look good.  I emphasize I because to me it doesn't really matter if anyone else tells me I look good if I don't feel like I do. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE and appreciate compliments but some days not even the sweetest one can make me feel pretty if I don't feel so inside.  So, YES, even if I'm doing something as remedial as potty training I will have on something that makes me feel good.  Even if it's just pretty earrings......

Winter 2013/ Pelcro Jeans, black tank

  These photos make me SMILE!  They are two of my favorite photos and I wanted to share them with you!!

Summer 2013/ Petticoat Alley Leggings, LAmade tank, Rebellious.One Tee