Saturday, January 25, 2014

LET me Define the RULES

I've kind of started this 365 clothing diet spontaneously and have not properly defined the rules I will be abiding by.  Literally spontaneously I started writing down what I was thinking and next thing you know I had started a blog.  Insanity! I would not even call myself a writer in any sense and I generally like to keep my fashion opinions to myself, that is.. unless I'm working or am asked my opinion.   Why did I choose to GIVE UP SHOPPING?  What have I gotten myself into?  I love to shop, I get a calming feeling when I enter the mall and generally like to find excuses to visit one.  Why would I take away one of the things that I love.  Here's the truth - I needed to do something insanely challenging, dramatic and creative.  I felt like if I didn't "just do something", ANYTHING,  I would not make it through another year of being a functional mom and wife.  To me there is nothing more challenging than putting myself in a fish tank for anyone to get to know me....... the possibility of judgement or support is a little scary, that is if anyone other than my friends follow me.

Let's define the RULES:

  • I will not be buying any clothing for 365 days, that includes shoes and accessories too!
  • I can make and change clothing I own by altering or sewing it in new creative ways.
  • I can purchase necessities, if needed.  Like undies, socks ....!  
  • I can go to clothing exchanges but only take as many things as I bring.  AND I will be hosting a few so stay connect to find out more.
  • I can accept gifts.  I can't be rude!  :-)
  • Most importantly I vow to you (my reader? readers?) that I will document and post many photos of  my steps through this whole year.  


  1. What a great idea! I'm excited to follow your blog and see where this takes you. Especially as a mom!

    1. Thanks for your feedback! I'm enjoying writing and figuring out new outfits to wear.
